Ladislav Chudík

(*1924) – Slovak Republic

Creative activities

He indelibly entered the memory of TV audience as the senior consultant Sova from the famous series Nemocnice na kraji města (Hospital at the Edge of the Town). The legendary actor Ladislav Chudík was born in 1924 in Hronec in the middle of the Slovak Republic. He began to perform as an amateur-actor. After his studies of Slovak and Russian literature at the Faculty of Arts in Bratislava, he settled as a student actor in Slovak National Theatre in 1944. He studied acting at the State Conservatoire at the same time. During the following seven decades, he created a huge number of theatre, television and film characters, who were given grace and inner charm by his astonishing acting expression. Ladislav Chudík won many awards and in 1999 he became the first holder of the Prize of Jozef Króner for life work.

Other laureates

Creative activities Support culture and art Lifetime achievements Contribution to the dialogue of national culture