Štefan Kvietik

(*1934) Slovakia

Lifetime achievements

is a leading Slovak actor and theatre instructor who studied acting at the Academy of Performing Arts (VŠMU) in Bratislava. He got his start at the Armed Forces Theatre in Martin, Slovakia, and since 1959 has been a member of the Slovak National Theatre. He landed his first major film role in Peter Solan’s 1962 film The Boxer. To his the most distinctive character belongs Baron von Goldring in Sám vojak v poli (released in Germany as Allein im Felde), contradictory Pirin in Martin Hollý’s film The Copper Tower, Urban Habdža in the excellent television adaptation of the book Red Wine, and the legendary role of the strapping lad Samo Pichanda in Juraj Jakubisko epic film The Millennial Bee. Incredibly, the number of roles this charismatic actor has portrayed on the silver screen, television, stage and radio is close to three hundred. He has received numerous awards for his acting. The President of the Slovak Republic Ivan Gašparovič presented him with the Order of Ľudovít Štúr 2nd Class in the 2004. 

Other laureates

Creative activities Support culture and art Lifetime achievements Contribution to the dialogue of national culture